Wednesday, March 21, 2012

How "FULL" is your glass?

Are we truly to believe that no matter what or who or when things happen that it seems that this world only delivers a depressing result? That no matter how hard we work or save our monies... or squirrel away our treasures that when things are all said and done that we will only end up with the shirts on our backs.. and basic necessities?? 

Well we should ALWAYS remember to look at the glass HALF FULL instead of HALF EMPTY... because no matter what our horribly, ridiculously awful our circumstance may be.. we still have our hope, faith and most of all 

Without LOVE ... we have nothing.. Love for each other, 
love for our spouses and our families, 
and love for our
Loving Lord...
and how He gives to us
each and every day!!