Friday, October 5, 2012


I am truly thankful for "NEW STARTS!"  

There are so many things we all want to do, accomplish, achieve ... however you want to put it, in our lives... Lord knows I do! 

One of the things I've always love to do is to help others.. with the different interests that I'm learning to perfect every day.  Everyone, including myself needs someone to talk to, share things and experiences with.. and that someone that will LISTEN to them..  We all come into this world with different skills, talents, specialties and purposes.  I believe God made us all differently so that we CAN be there for each other.  I am truly thankful for "new starts" in my life so I am able to learn new skills and techniques to make myself a better person to help others especially family and friends... 

Thank you Lord for these "new starts" and let me take complete advantage of these "new starts" to make ME the best person I can be !

Like they say if you are not happy and pleased with yourself inside.. you will never be the complete person and be there for the ones who are most important to you!!

Enjoy your day... Aloha & A Hui Hou!!