Tuesday, September 27, 2016


As I sit here ... with things, circumstances, finances ... jobs... homes... lifestyles... choices always in constant change ... I REFUSE to fill my head with worry and concern... Our lives will ALWAYS be changing in all kinds of ways ... We can clearly get caught up with all of the media, news... signs of the times and the negativity of the world ... just by living our day to day lives .. its very easy to do .. BUT ... we MUST remember as Christians .. and having a deep faith and trust ... is that "GOD WILL PROVIDE"....
No matter the circumstance, issue, situation .... that we may think .. no matter the darkness, the negativity... the dismalness (sp? lol) ... of our predicaments ... HE and only HE is in charge ... and HE WILL PROVIDE ... 

Stay strong and keep the faith ...
A Hui Hou... 

Friday, September 2, 2016

Everyday is a new beginning

"Being in gratitude is critical ..... "  If we remain thinking of alllll the things WE DONT HAVE ... these are the things that we will attract ... Just plain and simple .... 

Did you know that you can think yourself SICK?? It's oh so very true ...I literally watched it happen right in front of my eyes ... Unfortunately it was my own mother .....she NEVER had a good thing to say ....think or expect ... It's very sad ...to live your life constantly negative in your mind and have your body follow .... I've always heard that these things can happen ... But it's sooooo REAL when you see it right in front of you ... Dwindling ...deteriorating ... Wasting away to nothing of her own doing ... I spent years praying, trying to help, explain ...talk ...give examples ...show by doing ... Nothing ever worked or even penitrated the surface ... She ended up cutting everyone off except for someone not of our family ...only because that person fed into the extreme negativity ...and tireless pity ...she literally willed herself to the grave ...giving up on everything and everyone ..... Even God 

It was a true and prime example of "What you put out there is what you're going to attract in life.." And the very best reminder for ME to be constantly an ultimately POSITIVE ...no matter what ....

Stay POSITIVE my friends 

Aloha & A Hui Hou!!!