Sunday, December 15, 2019

Being Thankful for ALL things....

I love the saying .. "Be thankful for ALL things" ... it is truly "powerful"... Just THINK.... ALLLLL THINGS ... 

All things .. all instances... all words ... all thoughts ... all conversations ... ALL THINGS ... 

I think through all my years .. rapidly approach the daunting age of 60 ... you realize that things, events, conversations, and experiences .. have lots of meanings. Ive also learn that GRATITUDE in ALL things is extremely important ... Being in the health, fitness and nutrition business.. I was very excited that ..Gratitude .. thankfulness .. have even lots of health benefits !!! Yea ... health benefits ... !!! 

 Gratitude - makes us feel happier .. A five minute daily gratitude journal can increase your long-term well-being by more than 10%!!! Thats the same impact as doubling your income!!!

Gratitude - makes us healthier - Gratitude participants reported 16% fewer physical symptoms - 19% more time spent exercising - 10% less physical pain - 8% more sleep - and 25% increased sleep quality!!!

These are just a few health benefits - You see I grew up in a very ungrateful negative home ... no one was thankful for much .. So starting my own family I was bound and determined to DELETE THE NEGATIVE .... REPLACE WITH POSITIVE NO MATTER WHAT !! Trust me its not easy and quite the ongoing process ... but the stubbornness in me won't allow me to give up !!  

I think the biggest issue with being .. thankful for all things .. is conversations and words.  There are so many people that honestly don't really think before they speak ... and probably don't think at all .. lol through much.  With that being said .. when people don't think before they speak they say things that can really hurt ... cut to the bone ... I mean REALLY HURT.  I know because Ive probably done the same thing a time or two ... so I've made it a practice to try to think ahead .. How would I react if someone said that TO ME!!! This happens a lot when people have different interests... opinions or likes and dislikes ... so now I TRY NOT TO TAKE IT TO HEART... πŸ’™.. AND ... BE THANKFUL IN ALL THINGS .. 😊 and possibly see a lesson in these instances ... especially when people outright insult your creativity ... I believe it will give you .. like they say a "tough skin" πŸ˜‰

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Trusting God... 

Why is it so difficult to ... "Trust" ??  Its a bit of a BIG word .. but yet used soo loosely .. trust in one another ... trust yourself .. TRUST in God ...  what does it REALLY MEAN??  What does it mean TO YOU?

  1. 1. 
    firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something.
    "relations have to be built on trust"
    synonyms:confidencebelieffaith, freedom from suspicion/doubt, sureness, certaintycertitudeassuranceconvictioncredencereliance
    "a relationship built on mutual trust and respect"
Is it of our own definition ??? do we make it fit??
I think its hard to say "exactly" but to have complete TRUST .. in the Lord is something lots of people rarely posses as lots of us think WE are in control.  But, the truth of the matter is ... HE .. IS IN CONTROL ... of every single thing, event, and its ALL IN HIS TIMING 

I am truly grateful for HIS timing, although its difficult at times .. because your own will comes into play .. I am learning each and every day to remember this .. that HE is in control and to have complete trust ... UNSHAKEABLE TRUST ... 

A Hui Hou ... 

Monday, June 17, 2019

Having a grateful heart ....

Having a grateful heart ... and being grateful changes everything.  It truly does ... 
Life and circumstances are continuously changing ... every single day, hour and minute ... 
The way we react ... and looking at the bright side, shall we say ... changes things in every way ... 
There is ALWAYS someone else that is in a worse situation than what we think we are in ... and if we can remember that there are NO coincidences ... and ALL things happen to prepare us for what God has in store ... then WE have the easy part ... all we need to do is TRUST
IN HIM ...

Enjoy your day ... 

Aloha πŸŒ΄πŸ’•
A Hui Hou